Overhead Comparison of OpenTelemetry, inspectIT and Kieker

Having low performance overhead when monitoring the performance is crucial for exact measurements. Especially when trying to identify performance changes at code level, the performance overhead needs to be as low as possible. Due to changes in monitoring frameworks, performance benchmarks need regular updates. Due to changes in virtual machines, operating systems and hardware environments, performance benchmarking results also need regular updates. Therefore, we describe an extension of the benchmark MooBench which includes the emerging monitoring framework OpenTelemetry in MooBench, and the results of its execution on a Rasperry Pi 4 in this paper. We find that Kieker is creating slightly less overhead than inspectIT and OpenTelemetry when processing traces.

Reichelt, David Georg, Stefan Kühne, and Wilhelm Hasselbring. „Overhead Comparison of OpenTelemetry, inspectIT and Kieker„, Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) 2021.